Inside Frequency Control | Bliley Technologies

3 Things to Know When Buying Crystal Oscillators & Frequency Control Devices

Written by Rob Rutkowski | Jul 11, 2024 1:00:00 PM

The process of buying crystal oscillators can be a headache if you don't know what to expect. But learning the basics of how to procure frequency control devices can help you plan accordingly and reduce your frustration. 

There are three main things you should know about crystal oscillators and frequency control devices when ordering them:

  1. They have long lead times
  2. They typically have a long shelf life
  3. They have large purchased lot sizes

Let's dive a little deeper into each of these to give you a better idea of how they'll impact your purchasing strategy. We'll keep this blog short and to the point, but if you want to learn more, we've included links to our more in-depth articles on each topic.

1. Long Lead Times

You should expect long lead times when it comes to frequency control devices, especially with custom orders. This is typically to allow time for aging the oscillators and exacting the frequency, as both take a lot of time to perfect.

The common lead time in the frequency control industry is between 8 to 12 weeks, but it can be longer or shorter. Be sure to contact the manufacturer or supplier well in advance to get an idea of what to expect.

Related: OCXO Lead Times Explained: How Aging Factors into OCXO Development

2. Long Shelf Life

Crystal oscillators typically have a long shelf life, which means you don't have to worry about excess inventory expiring. Frequency control devices should still work many years after purchase. This causes less risk with older products.

Some industry suppliers won't hold frequency control products that are over a two-year shelf life, but a device's shelf life varies and can often be up to 20 years. It's always important to test the timing or oscillator device before use. Talking with the frequency control manufacturer about a specific product's shelf life is also recommended.

Related: Oscillator Aging: How Long Is an OCXO's Shelf Life?

3. Large Purchased Lot Sizes

Crystal oscillator manufacturers and suppliers are known for having large purchasing lot sizes for standardized parts (but not necessarily for custom parts). This improves fulfillment responsiveness because more product is able to be housed for longer periods of time, allowing you to receive products faster. 

Large lot sizes helps lower the price of frequency control devices, due to economies of scale and a reduced inventory storage burden on the manufacturer. They can also make providing blanket orders easier and more timely for the manufacturer (and you).

Related: 3 Reasons to Order OCXOs in Large Batches

Supplying Frequency Control Devices Since 1930

At Bliley, we pride ourselves on providing the best radio frequency and timing solutions in the universe. Explore our full line of crystal oscillators and frequency control devices

We hope understanding the three considerations above helps you make crystal oscillator purchases with more confidence than ever before. 

Want to learn more? Download our free oscillator procurement checklist, which includes nine best practices that make buying crystal oscillators as easy as possible. 


[Editor's note: This article was originally published on May 27, 2020 and was updated on July 11, 2024.]