Without further adu, here is our list of engineering thought leaders that you should be following on Twitter.
12 Influential Engineering Thought Leaders on Twitter
#1 Engineering.com
Twitter handle @Engineeringcom
Twitter bio
// Inform. Inspire. Entertain. // http://ENGINEERING.com is the premier online destination for engineers of all disciplines.
#2 William Wong
Twitter bio
Technology Editor for Electronic Design covering digital, embedded, systems and software. Interests include robotics, programming and gaming.
#3 Knovel
Twitter handle @knovelupdates
Twitter bio
News and information of interest to the engineering community. Knovel is a part of Elsevier R&D Solutions
#4 Dave Jones
Twitter handle @eevblog
Twitter bio
Engineering Ranter. Really, that's my day job, ranting on Youtube videos & @TheAmpHour It's a living. This is my personal channel, so you get it all here.
#5 James Grenning
Twitter handle @jwgrenning
Twitter bio
I do consulting and training in Agile. I work a lot with people building embedded systems, but that's not all.
#6 Jeri Ellsworth
Twitter handle @jeriellsworth
Twitter bio
Because the internet needs more opinionated nerds.
#7 Jayson Tautic
Twitter handle @TAUTIC
Twitter bio
Thinker, Maker, Technologist - President & CEO of TAUTIC ELECTRONICS LLC
#8 Victor Laynez
Twitter handle @roteno
Twitter bio
Builder of RF embedded systems for work and play!
#9 Greg Harrison
Twitter handle @GregHarrisonEE
Twitter bio
Husband to JoyBean the Wondermous, EE (PCB,FPGA,ASIC,EDA), Edu outreach & movie riffing buff, Oxford comma, and University of Kentucky grad. Speaking for myself
#10 Chris Gammell
Twitter handle @Chris_Gammell
Twitter bio
News and information of interest to the engineering community. Knovel is a part of Elsevier R&D Solutions
#11 Jeff Keyzer
Twitter handle @mightyohm
Twitter bio
I am an Electrical Engineer. I design consumer electronics hardware at Valve. My soldering iron is always warm.
#12 Bliley Technologies
Twitter handle @BlileyTech
Twitter bio
Fabricators of the best frequency control devices in the universe. Believers that timing really is everything. #BlileyTakesYouFurther
We love to learn new things and solve hard problems... every engineer has a valuable perspective that could challenge our normal way of approaching problems.