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Inside Frequency Control

Ka-Band & Ku-Band Systems: Basics & RF Design Considerations

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Jun 19, 2024 9:00:00 AM

What's the difference between Ka-band and Ku-band systems? In this article, we explore what they are,  what sets them apart, the advantages of each, and the design considerations you should keep in mind. 

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Topics: engineering, crystal oscillators, RF Technology, Space & Satellites

OCXO 101: Anatomy of an Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Dec 12, 2023 9:00:00 AM

The oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) is near the top of the food chain when it comes to quartz-based frequency control devices, superseded only by the mighty double oven crystal oscillator (DOCXO).

In this blog, we'll review the basics of how an OCXO works, the terms you need to know, how to determine the turning point, and the differences between AT and SC crystal cuts. 

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Topics: engineering, crystal oscillators, Clocks & Crystals

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Phase Noise

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Jun 15, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Maintaining strong frequency stability in electronic RF circuits by eliminating phase noise is important in many high-end communication applications. This is especially true for precise targeting in radar systems and spectral purity in other communication systems.

Let's take a deep dive into exactly what the terms phase noise and jitter mean. This will help give you a better idea why reducing a system's phase noise is so important.

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Topics: engineering, crystal oscillators

Top 18 CAD Tools for RF and Microwave Design Engineers

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Sep 27, 2022 9:00:00 AM

RF and Microwave Design can be ENJOYABLE...

Don't believe me? Many of us already know how designing can easily become extremely long, boring, and tedious. This is especially true for all you RF and Microwave Design Engineers!

Spending hours upon hours designing, finding problems, fixing problems, then repeating the process all over again...It all can become so mentally draining.

Am I bringing back bad memories? Sorry, time for the good news...

So how can you make the long and tedious design process easy (and possibly even enjoyable)? 

You guessed it... Automation and design tools are key. 

Having some great CAD tools on your side can release a significant burden off your back. These tools can save you time and dramatically increase your productivity. Our Top 4 Productivity and collaboration tools will help skyrocket your productivity even further.

Today, we thought we'd help you out by sharing these 18 CAD design tools that can lead to a more simple & enjoyable design session.

**Related Post: Check out our picks for the 5 best laptops for engineers.**

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Topics: engineering, General Topics, general

6 Best Spectrum Analyzers to Upgrade Your Electronics Lab (2022)

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Aug 26, 2021 9:15:00 AM

Is your electronics lab in need of an upgrade? It's important to keep your equipment up to date with the latest and greatest technology to keep getting the best results (and therefore a more effective product). In this post, we're going to look at 6 spectrum analyzers that will work (and look) great in your lab. 

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Topics: engineering, RF Technology, General Topics, Engineering Equiptment

5 MUST HAVE Pieces of Test Equipment For Any Electronics Lab

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Aug 26, 2021 7:45:00 AM

Hi there! You must be looking to upgrade your engineering electronics lab with the latest and greatest test equipment on the market today. Well good news...this is the place to be! Cool engineers only please...meaning all of you.

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Topics: engineering, RF Technology, General Topics, Engineering Equiptment

Key Developments in mmWave Radio Spectrum Research

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Apr 29, 2020 8:15:00 AM

5G Wireless is Right Around the Corner thanks to mmWave

Fifth generation wireless systems are not far from becoming a reality, thanks to recent research being done on the millimeter wave (mmWave) radio spectrum.

Experts agree the way forward is to manufacture mass deployable wireless devices across a range of markets and for different applications. Among other things, these applications include mobile computing and data processing over networks. The technology also has applications in the field of medicine and healthcare.

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Topics: engineering, RF Technology

5 Best Benchtop Digital Multimeters

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Feb 4, 2020 11:21:00 PM

Go into any electronics lab and you will undoubtably see a bench top multimeter.  The humble benchtop digital multimeter is a staple of any lane and is one of the most fundamental and highly used pieces of test equipment for electronic design. 

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As the name implies, the digital multimeter is useful for a wide range of measurements and tests.  Bench top digital multimeters, or DMMs, can be used to to make the basic (Ohm’s Law) measurements:

  • Measure resistance
  • Measure voltage
  • Measure current
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Topics: engineering, General Topics, Engineering Equiptment

5 Great Engineering Laptops (Plus Free CAD Tool Guide)

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Feb 4, 2020 11:17:00 PM

Finding the Best Performing Engineering Laptop

Our engineering team at Bliley is growing, which is great, but it also introduces some new challenges for small business like ours... finding the best performing engineering laptops for our engineers.

We want to give our engineers the best tools available and create an environment where they can be their most innovative and do the best work of their careers.  Of course, a key to this whole equation is the technology they use day-to-day to get those next generations products designed. We recently kicked off a search for the best laptops that are perfect for engineering workloads. As you can probably imagine, the ideal laptop for an engineer needs to have great compute and graphics power.

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Topics: engineering, General Topics, general, Engineering Equiptment

12 Engineering Thought Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Feb 4, 2020 1:05:00 PM
Twitter has become a great way to keep track of current events, find out what's trending, and see what other people are talking about.  Engineers have been using Twitter since the very beginning to connect and share relevant content.  There are few recognized thought leaders that have amassed followers by the thousands.  They've got some epic engineering content that we think could help inspire, challenge, and inform even the most seasoned engineers.

Without further adu, here is our list of engineering thought leaders that you should be following on Twitter.

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Topics: engineering

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