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Inside Frequency Control

3 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Crystal Oscillator Manufacturer

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Oct 10, 2024 9:00:00 AM

3 questions to ask before choosing a crystal oscillator manufacturer

Engineering firms across all industries often have to work with many different suppliers to build their products. In the field of radio frequency technology, one of the most critical components in any design is the oscillator that generates the frequency. Using the wrong type of crystal oscillator or one that's of poor quality can ruin an otherwise excellent design.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re working with a reputable supplier. In this guide, we’ll cover the essential questions any RF engineer should ask their crystal oscillator manufacturer.

1. What Do They Look for in Their Engineers?

Oscillators are complex and very important pieces of technology. Depending on the application (PNT, avionics, airline communication systems, etc.), they could even help protect lives. Because of this, it is critical to choose a crystal oscillator manufacturer that understands the importance not only of high-quality design, but also of hiring the right people to make those designs.

Ask them what they look for when hiring an RF engineer. What qualities do they seek in a candidate? What sort of company culture do they strive to build? The type of people a company hires says a lot about their values and the kind of partner they will be. If you make sure the values and priorities of your crystal oscillator supplier are aligned with those of your business, you will save yourself a lot of headaches.

2. What Approach Do They Take to Quality?

When dealing with components as vital and sensitive as crystal oscillators, quality is of the utmost importance. In addition to making sure your supplier's products perform well, you should also ask questions about the approach they take to the design and manufacturing processes.

Ask them what best practices they employ and what quality assurance systems they have in place. Do they have certifications, such as ISO 9001? Look for suppliers that embrace not only the components of methodologies like Six Sigma or Lean Manufacturing, but also the underlying philosophies as well. A good crystal oscillator manufacturer will have a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.

Related: Crystal Oscillator Manufacturers & RF Technology Best Practices

3. What Are the Basic Terms?

There are basic questions you should ask any supplier you're considering working with, and a crystal oscillator supplier is no exception. Ask about minimum orders, volume discounts, and payment terms. In many instances, the relationship between suppliers and buyers becomes soured by miscommunications and misunderstandings over mundane business details, so make sure that both parties understand the terms and are on the same page before signing any contracts.

Also, be sure to ask if a liability insurance certificate is offered. This will protect your company in the event of a recall, defect, or some other issue. It’s a best practice to get confirmation of insurance from any supplier, regardless of what industry you are working in.

Related: 3 Things to Know When Buying Crystal Oscillators & Frequency Control Devices

Bliley Takes You Further 

When you ask these questions, make sure you’re getting the right answers. Here at Bliley, we take pride in the leading role we play in oscillator design and manufacturing. Our commitment to quality, good business practices, and seeking out the best talent is the reason we’re trusted by customers like Lockheed Martin, Johns Hopkins University, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and more.

Check out our selection of cutting-edge oscillators and see why we’re one of the most trusted crystal oscillator suppliers in the business. Have any questions for us? Reach out to our engineers


Common Oscillators

Topics: crystal oscillators