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Inside Frequency Control

Low Phase Noise Oscillators for Radar & Communication Systems

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Apr 26, 2024 9:00:00 AM

The #1 Most Critical Factor in High-End Radar & Communication Systems: Low Phase Noise

Phase noise, phase noise, phase noise.

If you’re involved with the design and implementation of communication systems, you most likely hear the term “phase noise” all the time (maybe more times than you’d like). 

There’s a good reason for all this phase noise chat. It’s one of the key factors that determines the overall success or failure of your radar or communications application. It’s even more important in intense environments where strong vibration or g-force is a concern.

Why is maintaining low phase noise such a concern in these applications and environments? And how can you solve the problems associated with the effects of phase noise? By the end of this article, you'll know why and how you should decrease phase noise in your applications.

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Topics: crystal oscillators, RF Technology, Defense & PNT

Assured PNT: Going Beyond GPS Timing

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Nov 30, 2023 9:00:00 AM

While GPS technology plays an important role in modern navigation, it's not perfect. Although GPS might perform well enough consumer usage, signal jamming or other disruptions present serious threats to military operations. 

Enter assured positioning, navigation, and timing (A-PNT), new technology that enhances traditional GPS timing. Assured PNT uses additional sources to augment GPS and prevent vulnerabilities. Its goal is to ensure that accurate positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) is always available.

In this blog, we'll review GPS, its flaws, and other PNT systems (like the GNSS) and give you an overview of how assured PNT technology uses other systems to improve effectiveness. 

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Topics: GPS & GNSS, Defense & PNT

What Are GPS Disciplined Oscillators (GPSDO)?

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Apr 27, 2023 9:00:00 AM

GPS disciplined oscillators (GPSDO) are some of today's most trusted and accurate sources of timing. These powerful devices (sometimes called GPS clocks) consist of a high-quality stable oscillator and a GPS receiver. The GPSDO works by disciplining (or steering) the oscillator output to a GPS device or GNSS satellite signal via a tracking loop.

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Topics: crystal oscillators, RF Technology, GPS & GNSS, Integrated RF, Defense & PNT

6 Emerging PNT Technologies & Solutions of the Future

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Jan 7, 2020 8:42:08 AM

The U.S Department of Homeland Security considers 13 of the nation’s 16 critical infrastructure sectors to be ‘critically dependent’ on PNT technology. Also, a loss of PNT would cost the U.S an estimated $10 BILLION a day. Not only do many everyday consumers use PNT & GPS on a daily basis, it's also crucial for military and intelligence operations. Other industries that strongly rely on GPS based PNT include

  • Radio communications
  • Network synchronization
  • Intelligence systems
  • Information gathering
  • Cruise missiles
  • Weapons systems
  • Electronic warfare
In this post we're going to cover some of the challenges facing PNT today as well as 6 emerging PNT technologies and solutions that will revolutionize the future.
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Topics: Space & Satellites, GPS & GNSS, Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

[Press Release] Bliley Introduces 'Atlas 1PPS' - GPS Disciplined OCXO

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Feb 26, 2019 9:46:00 AM
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Topics: GPS & GNSS, Integrated RF, Defense & PNT

Critical Infrastructure in the 21st Century (GNSS & PNT Solutions)

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Aug 21, 2018 9:45:00 AM

Building resilience into Global Positioning System (GPS) timing and frequency receivers is crucial in the 21st century. Since the presidential directive on U.S Space-Based Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) and Critical Infrastructure Protection (PPD-21), federal agencies have been advancing their efforts when it comes to GPS and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) capabilities. 

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Topics: GPS & GNSS, Defense & PNT

The Biggest Big Data Challenge in the EW Battlespace

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Mar 27, 2018 6:30:00 AM

Electronic warfare (EW) is a continuous competition between electronic countermeasures (ECM) and electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM). Electronic warfare systems deploy millions of sensors worldwide on a wide range of platforms such as IR, Acoustic, Radio, and Optic systems, all in the coordinated effort to harness and control the RF (radio frequency) spectrum, the highly contested electronic battlespace.

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Topics: Space & Satellites, Defense & PNT

BACN: Battlefield Airborne Communications Node

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Mar 20, 2018 6:30:00 AM
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Topics: aerospace, Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

The NGJ Mission - Deny, Degrade, and Disrupt Threats

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Feb 20, 2018 6:30:00 AM

Raytheon's Next Generation Jammer (NGJ) has been under development now since 2013. In 2016 the US Navy awarded the company a 1 billion dollar engineering and manufacturing development contract for the NGJ system slated to replace the ALQ-99 legacy systems used in the EA-18G electronic attack aircraft.

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Topics: Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

Electronic Warfare: Invention Breeds Innovation

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Feb 15, 2018 6:30:00 AM

There is an old pearl of wisdom which claims that necessity is the mother of invention and nowhere is that truer than in the history of warfare, and especially electronic warfare. New military technology is always followed by innovative countermeasures developed specifically to defend against the new threat. In the case of electronic warfare, defensive measures quickly evolved into new offensive and intelligence gathering technologies.

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Topics: Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

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