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Inside Frequency Control

What You Should Know About Anti-Submarine & Anti-Air Warfare

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Jan 30, 2018 6:30:00 AM
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Topics: Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

How Radar Jamming & Deception Changed Warfare FOREVER (Plus Future Trends)

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Jan 16, 2018 6:30:00 AM

The introduction of reliable, long-range radar systems during World War II represented a fundamental change in the nature of warfare. For the first time, it was possible for friendly forces to see the enemy from a distance without being detected— an incredible advantage. Naturally, the emergence of a new technological innovation motivated other parties to find ways to counter it, leading to the development of radar jamming and other deception technologies.

In this article, we will discuss jamming and deception in detail, and how innovations like the Next Generation Jammer are shaping the next chapter in the electronic warfare arms race.

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Topics: Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Targeting 101

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Jan 9, 2018 6:30:00 AM
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Topics: Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

How Well Do You Know RADAR?

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Jan 2, 2018 6:30:00 AM

When radar was first used in combat, it represented what is known as a “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA), a term used to describe a tactical, doctrinal, strategic, or in this case, technological change in military theory and activity that fundamentally changes the nature of warfare. World War II saw the first widespread use of radar on both sides of a conflict, and led to the emergence of electronic warfare as a method of counteracting the other side’s radar abilities while defending the friendly use of the electromagnetic spectrum. This competition spawned the evolution of many different radar functions for specialized applications. This article will explore various types of radar systems that exist and the functions they serve.

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Topics: RF Technology, Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

5 Must-Listen Defense & Electronic Warfare Podcasts

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Dec 5, 2017 6:30:00 AM

Podcasts have never been more popular. Whether you are commuting, in the gym or just relaxing at home, they’re a fantastic way to stay on top of personal interests as well as developments in your industry. For engineers and project managers working in the RF industry, some of the biggest growth is expected to occur in the field electronic warfare, which is slated to become a nearly $20 billion industry by 2026. To help you gain a sense of where the electronic warfare industry and the defense sector as a whole are headed in the near and long-term, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best podcasts relating to these topics. 

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Topics: General Topics, Defense & PNT

3 Technologies That Changed Electronic Warfare Forever

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Nov 14, 2017 6:30:00 AM

Electronic warfare is one the defining characteristics of modern combat. Its origins can be traced back the First World War when Allied and Central Powers began intercepting and interfering with each other’s radio transmissions, and it has advanced at a staggering pace ever since. Today we’ll examine 3 of the most significant milestones in the evolution of electronic warfare technology, and discuss what the near future holds for this exciting and increasingly important military specialty.

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Topics: Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

How ECCM Techniques Take Electronic Warfare to the Next Level

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Oct 17, 2017 6:30:00 AM

The evolution of electronic warfare has been driven by the competition between Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) and Electronic Counter-Countermeasures (ECCM). Electronic warfare involves not only harnessing the electromagnetic spectrum, but defending against enemy use of the spectrum, and, if possible, denying their ability to use it in the first place. Since the earliest attempts at jamming radio communications, techniques have been developed to counteract enemy ECM.

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Topics: Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

What is SIGINT and How is it Used in Electronic Warfare?

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Sep 26, 2017 6:30:00 AM

Intelligence-driven decision-making is at the heart of daily operations and strategic planning for modern militaries and intelligence agencies, and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) is a big part of what makes it possible. Today we’ll discuss how SIGINT works and why it is so important, especially as it applies to Electronic Warfare applications.

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Topics: aerospace, Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

Understanding AESA: A Game-Changer in RADAR Technology

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Sep 12, 2017 6:30:00 AM
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Topics: aerospace, Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

How Crystal Oscillators Keep C4ISR Systems On Target

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Aug 22, 2017 6:30:00 AM
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Topics: crystal oscillators, Defense & PNT

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