It's a new day. The sun begins to rise. Birds begin to chirp. The smell of freshly brewed coffee is in the air.
Yes, I'm talking about mornings. Some people love them while others would rather hit their snooze button a few more times (a few meaning about 6+ times).

We thought it'd be fun to ask some of our team what their morning routine usually involves.
Let's see what they had to say...
Keith (Our CEO)- "4 egg whites, green drink, Starbucks and down to business." He then proceeded to say, "The rest of the day isn't that easy."
Josh (One of our Great Engineers)- "I set my alarm for 4:30am...but I love my snooze alarm. I also get coffee with lots of sugar. Then I check my email, check slack, then dive right in!"
Tommy (Our VP of Technology)- "For the last year or so, I’ve started most mornings with a task I call “email jail.” For me, having an inbox full of messages creates a huge amount of anxiety… since emails are full of actions. During my email jail time (about 15 minutes first thing in the morning) I scrub my inbox and pull out actions and delete emails I don’t need anymore. I use a kanban board to keep track of all the actions I’ve got to do."
Dave (Another Great Engineer)- When Dave was asked about his morning routine, he simply replied that my question reminded him of Ron Livingston in this clip from the movie "Office Space":
How about you? We're curious what your morning routine looks like too! Any morning productivity suggestions or interesting routines? Are you more like a Tommy or a Ron Livingston? Leave us a quick comment below.
By the way... This blog post was based off a recent post on our Facebook page. We're planning on posting a ton more fun content and interviews with the team on there soon!
Consider giving us a "Like" and come along for the ride. See you there!