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Inside Frequency Control

4 Applications That Require Ultra-Stable Oscillators

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Aug 8, 2024 9:00:00 AM

4 applications that require ultra-stable oscillators

You've probably heard of ultra-stable oscillators, but what are they good for? Just by the name, you can probably tell they're great for maintaining frequency stability in applications. But what specific applications require very high stability to perform optimally? 

In this blog, we'll discuss the top four applications for ultra-stable oven controlled crystal oscillators (OCXOs).

view of earth from a satellite

1. New Space & Satellite Communications

The most common need for ultra-stable OCXOs is in new space, satellite, and small satellite (SmallSat) communication applications. A communications satellite endures high levels of vibrations and micro-vibrations during launch and while traveling in orbit. These vibrations (even tiny micro-vibrations) have the potential to throw off the frequency in the satellite and could also lead to unnecessary phase noise.

Many ultra-stable OCXOs are designed to take on these vibrations and prevent frequency disruptions. Ultra-stable OCXOs are also being used on NASA deep space missions and on future planetary entry probes. It’s important to maintain high frequency stability in the deep, dark depths of space.

Ultra-stable OCXOs are also included in the designs of GPS disciplined oscillators (GPSDO) that are used in GPS and GNSS satellites. High frequency stability is a must when it comes to providing positional accuracy for GPS in navigation.

Related: 4 Common Sources of Vibration & Micro-Vibration in Satellites & Spacecrafts

2. Synthesizers & Test Equipment

Frequency synthesizers are used in many modern devices, such as:

  • Radio receivers
  • Televisions
  • Cell phones
  • Radiotelephones
  • Walkie-talkies
  • CB radios
  • Satellite receivers
  • GPS systems

The stability and accuracy of the frequency synthesizer's output are related to the stability and accuracy of its reference frequency input. Therefore, synthesizers require stable and accurate reference frequencies.

Synthesizers and test equipment need to be accurate when conducting frequency tests or simulations. Otherwise, even small inconsistencies in the frequency can completely throw off the performance of future applications and specifications. This is why an ultra-stable oscillator is necessary for these devices.

Related: How to Maintain Frequency Stability in Crystal Oscillators

military aircraft

3. Military Communications & Radar

It’s hard to find an environment on earth more extreme than active military environments. This is due to their susceptibility to high levels of vibration, large g-force deviations, phase noise, and possibly even activity dips.

As you can imagine, military communication devices must be accurate 100% of the time. Think of a Doppler radar used to quickly detect the exact distance, speed, direction, etc. of a nearby enemy aircraft. The signal must be extremely exact and give a very accurate reading; it could mean the difference between life and death.

New and growing military communication devices include:

  • Ground Mobile Radios (GMR)
  • Mesh networks
    • Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)
  • Satellite systems
  • Cognitive radio
  • Radar
  • Smart phones

If any of these communication signals are thrown off because of vibrations or other external factors influencing the oscillator, there could be serious consequences. This is especially true for Doppler radar use. Using an ultra-stable oscillator might be the answer to solving many oscillator problems related to high vibrations or low-g compensation in these extreme environments.

Related: Ultra-Stable Oscillators & 5 Elements That Affect Frequency Stability

4. Wireless Base Stations

Our entire world is connected and run on timing, so of course we want the most accurate and precise timing used across the globe through base stations. Otherwise, a wide variety of problems could arise due to even the smallest inconsistencies in timing signals.

Rapid and large deviations in temperature are probably the biggest concern when it comes to frequency stability problems in base stations. Ultra-stable OCXOs allow for a very consistent and precise output pulse, even with frequent deviations in temperature, making them perfect for wireless base stations. 

Frequency Control Experts Since 1930

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of which applications require a high-quality, ultra-stable OCXO.

Wondering if an ultra-stable OCXO would be ideal for your application? Browse our line of ultra-stable oscillators or contact our engineers with your questions. They're here to help you the best solution for your specific needs.


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Topics: RF Technology, Integrated RF