Bliley’s New Director of Business Development to Focus on Growth of Commercial Space Business.
Topics: aerospace, Leadership, Press Release, Space & Satellites
Beyond the Degree: 3 Traits of a Successful RF Engineer
These are exciting times to be an RF engineer. With the advent of 5G, the Internet of Things, and the increasing expansion of the private sector into space, we are about to witness some extraordinary developments in radio frequency tech in the next decade.
There are a lot of engineers coming out of school who want to get in on the action. So, what are the traits that help an RF engineer succeed? What distinguishes those who advance in their careers and land the most desirable positions from those who don’t? Let’s explore this in detail and break down 3 of the most important qualities that make a successful RF engineer.
Topics: engineering, RF Technology, general
4 Tips for Quality Improvement in Engineering Design (and Why It Matters)
Quality improvement is a concept that has become widely understood and embraced across all industries in the past few decades. Methodologies like Kaizen and Six Sigma have helped improve manufacturing efficiency, reduce errors, and bring superior products to market.
Topics: engineering
Bliley’s New Sr. Director of BD to focus growth within the Satellite Communications on the Move.
Topics: Leadership, Press Release, Space & Satellites
Engineering Majors - The Sky's the Limit with RF Engineering
Space. One of the biggest mysteries of mankind. Are we alone? Will humans ever sustain themelves on mars or other planets? What else is is out there waiting to be explored outside of our solar system? These questions and more lead many young people to pursue a career in engineering. While human space exploration involves the minds of many different types of engineers, RF engineers are among the most important.
Topics: engineering, RF Technology, general
Press Release: Bliley Introduces Iris - LEO Satellite OCXO
Topics: Press Release, crystal oscillators, Space & Satellites
RF Engineers Are Bringing the Internet to the World
More people are online than ever before. At the turn of the century, there were only around 500 million internet users in the whole world. As of 2015, 3.2 billion people had access to the internet according to an estimate by the International Telecommunications Union. Here's a graph to put that into persective. Almost increasing exponentially!
In spite of all this incredible progress, more work needs to be done. Today around 4 billion people still lack access to the web, according to a report by the World Economic Forum. Even in developed countries like the United States, there are still some 55 million people that don’t have access to broadband internet.
Topics: engineering, RF Technology, Space & Satellites
5 Ways Electrical Engineers Can Develop Powerful Leadership Skills
Do You Have The (Right) Skills?
If you were to ask the typical layperson what the most important quality of a successful engineer is, they would probably consider technical expertise to be the most vital. But the truth is that in RF engineering - as in all other branches of engineering - there are many other qualities that are necessary for success which are less quantifiable than technical skills. Electrical engineers who want to advance in their careers must also develop leadership skills in order to differentiate themselves from the competition and increase their value in the marketplace.
Topics: Leadership, engineering, general
The Role of RF Engineering in LEO Satellite Constellations
Topics: RF Technology, Space & Satellites
Topics: engineering, crystal oscillators, RF Technology