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Inside Frequency Control

The TCXO Oscillator: 5 Elements of Temperature Compensated Oscillators

Posted by Bliley Technologies on May 31, 2024 8:15:00 AM

The most common types of crystal oscillators in electrical and RF engineering include OCXOs, TCXOs, VCXOs, and clock oscillators. In this post, we'll be reviewing the basics of temperature compensated crystal oscillators (TCXOs).

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Topics: crystal oscillators, Clocks & Crystals

3 Types of OCXOs & How They Establish Precise Frequency Control

Posted by Bliley Technologies on May 16, 2024 9:00:00 AM

Temperature variations are the most significant factor contributing to frequency drift in crystal oscillators.

Other variables that affect frequency output, such as humidity and pressure, can be alleviated easily with a hermetically sealed packaging of the crystal in a vacuum or in an inert gas, such as nitrogen. But controlling temperature for precise frequency output in a crystal oscillator circuit requires a higher level of electronic RF design ingenuity. Enter: the oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO).

In this post, we'll take a look at the three types of OCXOs available for RF engineers to meet individual design priorities such as frequency precision, warm-up time, crystal aging, and power consumption.

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Topics: crystal oscillators, RF Technology

The 3 P’s of Oscillator Pricing: How to Maximize Your ROI

Posted by Bliley Technologies on May 15, 2024 9:00:00 AM

Oscillators have become indispensable in modern technology. They are the core component that makes RF engineering possible, and are crucial to cell phones, Wi-Fi, GPS, and so much more.

The modern interconnected economy and daily life as we know it would grind to a halt if crystal oscillators were not abundant, well designed, and reasonably affordable. But what determines oscillator pricing?

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Topics: crystal oscillators

Low Phase Noise Oscillators for Radar & Communication Systems

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Apr 26, 2024 9:00:00 AM

The #1 Most Critical Factor in High-End Radar & Communication Systems: Low Phase Noise

Phase noise, phase noise, phase noise.

If you’re involved with the design and implementation of communication systems, you most likely hear the term “phase noise” all the time (maybe more times than you’d like). 

There’s a good reason for all this phase noise chat. It’s one of the key factors that determines the overall success or failure of your radar or communications application. It’s even more important in intense environments where strong vibration or g-force is a concern.

Why is maintaining low phase noise such a concern in these applications and environments? And how can you solve the problems associated with the effects of phase noise? By the end of this article, you'll know why and how you should decrease phase noise in your applications.

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Topics: crystal oscillators, RF Technology, Defense & PNT

The 2 Most Important Qualities of an Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO)

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Apr 18, 2024 9:00:00 AM

If you're looking for an oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO), my guess is you're interested in the best possible quartz crystal oscillator for your application. Who wouldn't be? 

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Topics: crystal oscillators

4 Key Questions to Ask to Find the Perfect Crystal Oscillator for Your Design

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Dec 19, 2023 9:00:00 AM

The harsh truth is, selecting the wrong quartz crystal oscillator can quickly kill any design. With the wide variety of options and specs available on the market today, selecting the perfect crystal oscillator for your design can be a difficult and time-consuming task.

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Topics: crystal oscillators

OCXO 101: Anatomy of an Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Dec 12, 2023 9:00:00 AM

The oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) is near the top of the food chain when it comes to quartz-based frequency control devices, superseded only by the mighty double oven crystal oscillator (DOCXO).

In this blog, we'll review the basics of how an OCXO works, the terms you need to know, how to determine the turning point, and the differences between AT and SC crystal cuts. 

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Topics: engineering, crystal oscillators, Clocks & Crystals

Assured PNT: Going Beyond GPS Timing

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Nov 30, 2023 9:00:00 AM

While GPS technology plays an important role in modern navigation, it's not perfect. Although GPS might perform well enough consumer usage, signal jamming or other disruptions present serious threats to military operations. 

Enter assured positioning, navigation, and timing (A-PNT), new technology that enhances traditional GPS timing. Assured PNT uses additional sources to augment GPS and prevent vulnerabilities. Its goal is to ensure that accurate positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) is always available.

In this blog, we'll review GPS, its flaws, and other PNT systems (like the GNSS) and give you an overview of how assured PNT technology uses other systems to improve effectiveness. 

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Topics: GPS & GNSS, Defense & PNT

Your Guide to Electronic Frequency Control Methods for Crystal Oscillators

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Nov 21, 2023 9:00:00 AM

What's better than a crystal oscillator? A crystal oscillator combined with electronic frequency control (EFC)!

Of course, determining if EFC would be a good addition to your crystal oscillator circuit design (and if so, which method is best for you) comes down to your specific application and its requirements.

There are four options to choose from when selecting an electronic frequency control method for your crystal oscillator:

  1. Pulse width modulation (PWM) & low-pass filter (LPF)
  2. Reference RF signal & phase locked loop (PLL)
  3. Voltage divide
  4. Digital-to-analog converter (DAC)

In this post,  we'll take a closer look at each option and their best applications.

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Topics: crystal oscillators, RF Technology

Crystal Cut Types: AT vs. SC Cut Performance Comparison

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Nov 7, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Inside every quartz oscillator is something called a crystal blank. The crystal blank is the resonating element of the oscillator that, when subjected to a voltage potential, will begin to vibrate and oscillate at its fundamental frequency.

The way the crystal blank is manufactured can have a significant impact on the oscillator's performance. In this blog, we'll be discussing how the orientation of the quartz when the crystal blank is cut can affect how your oscillator performs.

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Topics: crystal oscillators, Clocks & Crystals

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