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Inside Frequency Control

Bliley Technologies

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5 Great Engineering Laptops (Plus Free CAD Tool Guide)

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Feb 4, 2020 11:17:00 PM

Finding the Best Performing Engineering Laptop

Our engineering team at Bliley is growing, which is great, but it also introduces some new challenges for small business like ours... finding the best performing engineering laptops for our engineers.

We want to give our engineers the best tools available and create an environment where they can be their most innovative and do the best work of their careers.  Of course, a key to this whole equation is the technology they use day-to-day to get those next generations products designed. We recently kicked off a search for the best laptops that are perfect for engineering workloads. As you can probably imagine, the ideal laptop for an engineer needs to have great compute and graphics power.

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Topics: engineering, General Topics, general, Engineering Equiptment

6 Great Power Supply Options for Your Electronics Lab

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Feb 4, 2020 11:16:00 PM

Have you noticed that your electronics lab could use a little upgrade from the 1970s to the present? If so, you've come to the right place. A reliable DC power supply is often considered a requirement in many of today's electronics labs. We wanted to share a few great power supply options to help you take your outdated power supply equipment further!

*This post contains affiliate links in which we will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. 

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Topics: General Topics

12 Engineering Thought Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Feb 4, 2020 1:05:00 PM
Twitter has become a great way to keep track of current events, find out what's trending, and see what other people are talking about.  Engineers have been using Twitter since the very beginning to connect and share relevant content.  There are few recognized thought leaders that have amassed followers by the thousands.  They've got some epic engineering content that we think could help inspire, challenge, and inform even the most seasoned engineers.

Without further adu, here is our list of engineering thought leaders that you should be following on Twitter.

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Topics: engineering

5 Simple Steps for Truly Effective Design Reviews

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Feb 4, 2020 11:30:00 AM

As electronics and RF systems have become increasingly complex, the need to catch and fix errors during the design phase of a project has become increasingly important.

Catching an error during the design phase is orders of magnitude less expensive to fix than catching it during the manufacturing or test phases.

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Topics: engineering, general

[Press Release] Bliley Partners with ATM Mid-Atlantic in D.C, Maryland, and Virginia

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Sep 10, 2019 3:35:41 PM


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Topics: Press Release

[Press Release] Bliley Partners with Tritek Northwest in the Pacific Northwest

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Sep 10, 2019 9:08:41 AM


Bliley Technologies, leader in the design and manufacturing of Precision Oscillators and Timing Solutions for Communication, Industrial, Military, and Space applications, has announced their newest external sales representative partnerships.

Bliley is excited to add Tritek Northwest to their list of North American sales representatives.

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Topics: Press Release

How are Robots Used in Space Exploration?

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Sep 10, 2019 8:22:00 AM

Historically, the role of robotics in space exploration has been significant due to the uninhabitable conditions of non-terrestrial planets in the solar system. According to AZO Robotics, a robot is defined as “a self-controlled device consisting of electronic, electrical or mechanical units that can function in place of a living agent.” In this post, you'll learn some basic history about robots in space exploration and 5 of the most popular robotics systems used in space history.

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Topics: General Topics

[Press Release] Bliley Partners with Coastal RF Systems in Southern California

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Sep 6, 2019 9:46:54 AM

ERIE, PA — For Immediate Release

Bliley Technologies, leader in the design and manufacturing of Precision Oscillators and Timing Solutions for Communication, Industrial, Military, and Space applications, has announced their newest external sales representative partnerships.

Bliley is excited to add Coastal RF Systems to their list of North American sales representatives.

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Topics: Press Release

8 Common RF Engineering Problems That Impact RF Engineers

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Sep 5, 2019 8:22:00 AM

What's the best way to solve a problem? Preventing the problem from occurring in the first place (or knowing exactly how to tackle an inevitable problem whenever it occurs). In this post, we're going to cover 8 of the most common RF engineering problems that impact RF engineers on the regular. Making yourself more aware of these frequent RF engineering problems will allow you to be more prepared with a solution (or even prevent them from happening in the first place). Less problems = better engineering productivity & happier RF engineers!

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Topics: General Topics, general

RF Engineering Basics: 10 Essential Commandments

Posted by Bliley Technologies on Jul 16, 2019 9:04:00 AM

RF engineering is a branch of Electrical Engineering involving the use of electrical magnetic frequency properties to produce products that will transmit or receive these frequencies.

RF engineers can face a lot of challenges and frustration. This frustration can be caused from all the discrepancies and complex maps of components used in RF circuits.

In order to be a successful RF engineer, a few habits and processes can be formed. Here are 10 critical tips to be an efficient RF engineer.

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Topics: Leadership, engineering, General Topics

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