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Inside Frequency Control

Rob Rutkowski

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What is a DoD Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA)? (5 Core Principles)

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Mar 12, 2019 9:20:00 AM

A Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) is becoming critical in Department of Defense (DoD) systems. If you're unfamiliar with this critical system design approach (or need a little brush-up) you're in the right place (and should totally keep on reading to discover the 5 core principles).

But first, a few quick basics. MOSA is a business and technical strategy for easily developing new defense systems or modernizing existing ones. This will help the Department of Defense provide joint combat capabilities required for 21st century warfare.

MOSA also provides the ability to support and evolve these 21st century capabilities over their total life-cycle.

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Topics: Military & Defense

4 Hidden Mysteries of Quartz Crystal Oscillators

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Feb 12, 2019 9:04:00 AM


The development of crystal oscillators has literally changed the world. Technically that can (and is) said about many things. But think about it! Without crystal oscillators, we may have never seen precision timing in clocks, wide and clear radio broadcasts, or important communication methods within military and space programs.

Imagine how different our world might be without these now commonplace technologies. 

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Topics: crystal oscillators

Creepy Frequencies: Scary Sounds of the Universe

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Oct 2, 2018 8:54:00 AM

The fall and Halloween season is among us once again. (Finally!)

So yes, we're about to take on the challenge of linking frequency control to Halloween. Can it be done? Maybe. Will it be done? Yes. (We never let the word 'impossible' stop us in the past). 

In this post you're going to discover the dark, creepy side of frequency control by looking at some scary frequency sounds that can be found within our universe. 

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Topics: Space & Satellites

Critical Infrastructure in the 21st Century (GNSS & PNT Solutions)

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Aug 21, 2018 9:45:00 AM

Building resilience into Global Positioning System (GPS) timing and frequency receivers is crucial in the 21st century. Since the presidential directive on U.S Space-Based Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) and Critical Infrastructure Protection (PPD-21), federal agencies have been advancing their efforts when it comes to GPS and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) capabilities. 

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Topics: GPS & GNSS, Defense & PNT

What's the Difference Between DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X Standards?

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Jun 26, 2018 8:32:00 AM

In 1994, the world's first digital satellite TV services were launched in Thailand and South Africa. They utilized the newly developed Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite (DVB-S) system.

Over time, DVB-S became the most popular system for delivering digital TV broadcasts. Technology has advanced and spread tremendously since then, which lead to an increased need for advances to the DVB-S system. Thus, the DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X systems were born!

Let's take a look at these two DVB standards and the main differences between them. 

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Topics: Space & Satellites

Communication With Aliens - Interstellar Messages in Deep Space

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Jun 5, 2018 7:50:00 AM

We can't possibly be the only intelligent life-forms in this infinite universe, can we? I mean, there's still plenty of exploring to do in our own solar system let alone nearby stars, our entire galaxy, and surrounding galaxies. Will our current deep space communication efforts, like Voyager 1, ever stumble across alien life so us humans can say, "Hi! We're here!"? Or will it take so long that our messages would be more like, "Hi! We were here!"? 

Let's explore some current communication efforts to make contact with aliens and how they work.

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Topics: crystal oscillators, Space & Satellites

Laser Communication in Space Could Multiply Data Rates by 100x

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on May 15, 2018 8:06:00 AM

Since the beginning of NASA, radio communication has been the go-to method of communication for spacecrafts. Well, that's about to change. NASA has recently announced they will be making a major change to some of their upcoming communication systems by implementing new, cutting-edge, laser communication technology. 

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Topics: RF Technology, Space & Satellites

Not All Drones Are Created Equal (9 Types of Drones)

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Feb 13, 2018 7:08:00 AM

Full Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links in that we will receive a small commission if you click through and make a purchase (with no additional cost to you). 

Drones...Drones...Drones... It's almost like everywhere you go these days you can't help but be sucked into "drone chat". 

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Topics: General Topics

New Space Isn't Just for LEO Constellations (5 Deep Space Companies)

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Jan 31, 2018 6:40:00 AM

We've been doing a lot of talk about the new space movement and the newest LEO constellation innovations. It's about time that we bring to your attention that LEO constellatioins aren't the only innovation when it comes to the new space (or space 2.0) movement. As technology and payloads of satellites continue to skyrocket (ha!), so does our ability to efficiently explore the deep, dark depths of outer space.

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Topics: Space & Satellites

4 Specific Applications That May Require Ultra-Frequency Stability

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Jan 17, 2018 9:08:00 AM
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Topics: RF Technology, Integrated RF

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