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Inside Frequency Control

Rob Rutkowski

Recent Posts

Avoid These Disastrous 5G Timing & Sync Problems (With Solutions!)

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Sep 2, 2020 8:30:00 AM

The world is officially hyped to get their hands on new 5G technology. In fact, there was a recent spike in excitement when Verizon announced the release of the first 5G compatible phone, Moto z3.

However, there is still a long way to go until 5G networks are available nationwide. As we get closer to that point, new timing and sync problems are arising.

Let's take a look at some of these foreseen timing challenges that are coming with the implementation of 5G networks. Then, we'll cover some possible solutions to these problems.

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Topics: 5G

[Video] Bliley's New Low-g Sensitivity OCXO Quartz Crystal Oscillators

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Jul 28, 2020 7:56:00 AM

We sat down with our very own Greg Rogers, VP of Product Engineering, at IMS 2017 this year to give you an up-close and personal experience with Greg and, more importantly, our low g-sensitivity crystal oscillators

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Topics: crystal oscillators

7 Powerful Features on Bliley's Online Shop for OCXO Oscillators

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Jul 21, 2020 8:30:00 AM

Bliley Technologies online store is the newest, most powerful tool to quickly shop high-performance OCXO oscillators at amazing prices.

In this post, I'm going to show you 7 powerful features on the online store that will help you

  • Quickly find the best OCXO oscillator for your needs
  • Find the best cost/performance ratio on the market
  • Get lightning fast lead times on all in-stock parts (receive your order within days!)
  • Get the most cost savings possible (access real-time price breaks)
  • And more
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Topics: crystal oscillators, General Topics

5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) Systems: 5 Critical Design Decisions

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on May 6, 2020 7:45:00 AM

5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) will be one of the earliest uses of 5G. 5G FWA will provide lightning fast gigabit internet speeds to homes, apartments, and businesses. Better yet, 5G FWA will be a fraction of the cost compared to traditional cable & fiber systems.

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Topics: 5G, GPS & GNSS

5 Best Consumer Drones on the Market (2021)

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Feb 4, 2020 9:02:00 AM

Drones have officially begun to constantly fly through the minds of society.  The technology advances in flight technology, flight modes, and controls along with the advancements in portable photography and video technology have caused an explosion with amateur and professional photographers and videographers. 

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Topics: General Topics

19 Popular Cube Satellite Companies in Today's Market

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Feb 4, 2020 7:28:00 AM

Welcome to the new world of CubeSat Manufacturers! These small satellites are becoming more and more popular in today’s new space industry. Their increasing popularity is mostly because of their small, lightweight, and inexpensive designs. The standard 1U Cube Satellite is 10cm x 10cm x 10cm in size. However, since their inception in 1999, new Cube Satellite companies have developed more variations in size to meet desired payload levels. A 1.5U, 2U, 3U, 6U, 8U, 12U etc. are now offered to meet customer's growing specifications. 

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Topics: Space & Satellites

6 Emerging PNT Technologies & Solutions of the Future

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Jan 7, 2020 8:42:08 AM

The U.S Department of Homeland Security considers 13 of the nation’s 16 critical infrastructure sectors to be ‘critically dependent’ on PNT technology. Also, a loss of PNT would cost the U.S an estimated $10 BILLION a day. Not only do many everyday consumers use PNT & GPS on a daily basis, it's also crucial for military and intelligence operations. Other industries that strongly rely on GPS based PNT include

  • Radio communications
  • Network synchronization
  • Intelligence systems
  • Information gathering
  • Cruise missiles
  • Weapons systems
  • Electronic warfare
In this post we're going to cover some of the challenges facing PNT today as well as 6 emerging PNT technologies and solutions that will revolutionize the future.
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Topics: Space & Satellites, GPS & GNSS, Military & Defense, Defense & PNT

10 Unique Holiday Gifts for Engineers (2021)

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Oct 22, 2019 8:30:00 AM

Is it too early to start thinking about holiday gifts? Absolutely not! The holiday season is approaching quickly, so we wanted to help you start thinking through some great gift ideas for the engineers in your life (or soon to be). We also wanted to make this your not-so-average gift idea post that doesn't include your typical (boring) engineering mug or neck-tie gifts. Without further ado, here's 10 unique holiday gifts for engineers.

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Topics: General Topics, Engineering Equiptment

What The Heck is an OCXO Oscillator? (Facts & Functionality)

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Aug 20, 2019 8:20:00 AM

Ahh the mysterious OCXO. What the heck is an OCXO anyway? What's it good for? When should you use one in your electronic system design? These questions and more will all be answered in this post.

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Topics: crystal oscillators, Clocks & Crystals

6 Innovative Markets Where Precise Timing & Sync Will Be Crucial

Posted by Rob Rutkowski on Aug 6, 2019 8:20:00 AM

Precise timing across a variety of networks and industries is becoming a necessity. Both operationally and legally.  It's actually pretty amazing to see the evolution of timing & frequency control throughout different industries. There's been significant timing innovations over the past 5-10 years alone.

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Topics: Clocks & Crystals, RF Technology

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