To say that HRL Laboratories has made significant contributions to cutting-edge science and technology would be quite an understatement. Known today by its legal corporate title HRL Laboratories LLC, the storied company traces its roots back to the legendary Howard Hughes. Hughes set the standard for HRL's innovative mission, advising his contemporaries to "Do the impossible. Because almost everyone has told me my ideas are merely fantasy."
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Topics: Space & Satellites
The NGJ Mission - Deny, Degrade, and Disrupt Threats
Raytheon's Next Generation Jammer (NGJ) has been under development now since 2013. In 2016 the US Navy awarded the company a 1 billion dollar engineering and manufacturing development contract for the NGJ system slated to replace the ALQ-99 legacy systems used in the EA-18G electronic attack aircraft.
Topics: Military & Defense, Defense & PNT
Electronic Warfare: Invention Breeds Innovation
There is an old pearl of wisdom which claims that necessity is the mother of invention and nowhere is that truer than in the history of warfare, and especially electronic warfare. New military technology is always followed by innovative countermeasures developed specifically to defend against the new threat. In the case of electronic warfare, defensive measures quickly evolved into new offensive and intelligence gathering technologies.
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What You Should Know About Anti-Submarine & Anti-Air Warfare
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Bliley Technologies New Space Interview With NewSpace People
The following interview was originally featured on NewSpace People, a website dedicated to covering the leadership and business of the 'New Space' industry.
In this interview, Bliley's Director of Business Development Darshan Shah discusses some of our most recent (and exciting) projects, as well as what we've got in store for the next few years.
What’s the Difference Between Synthetic Aperture Radar and ISAR?
Topics: RF Technology, Military & Defense
How Radar Jamming & Deception Changed Warfare FOREVER (Plus Future Trends)
The introduction of reliable, long-range radar systems during World War II represented a fundamental change in the nature of warfare. For the first time, it was possible for friendly forces to see the enemy from a distance without being detected— an incredible advantage. Naturally, the emergence of a new technological innovation motivated other parties to find ways to counter it, leading to the development of radar jamming and other deception technologies.
In this article, we will discuss jamming and deception in detail, and how innovations like the Next Generation Jammer are shaping the next chapter in the electronic warfare arms race.
Topics: Military & Defense, Defense & PNT
Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Targeting 101
Topics: Military & Defense, Defense & PNT
When radar was first used in combat, it represented what is known as a “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA), a term used to describe a tactical, doctrinal, strategic, or in this case, technological change in military theory and activity that fundamentally changes the nature of warfare. World War II saw the first widespread use of radar on both sides of a conflict, and led to the emergence of electronic warfare as a method of counteracting the other side’s radar abilities while defending the friendly use of the electromagnetic spectrum. This competition spawned the evolution of many different radar functions for specialized applications. This article will explore various types of radar systems that exist and the functions they serve.
Topics: RF Technology, Military & Defense, Defense & PNT